yesterday all the morning i searched their information of camera and notebook, as well as cellphone, and doing compares. in less than 1 hour i got the two gadgets i longing so long in the local electronic富士S2000HD Fuji Finepix 2000HD(cost me ¥1600)notebook:神舟Hasee 天运 F1600 (cost me ¥2800)so great i felt now.last night i prepared working environment on my first notebook so far and cost all night. i shot 2 picture with my new first camera and intended to post a blog for it but the task lagged. this morning i got up a bit late, and shot the sunrise. even the ground covered with icy snow, slippery and too risky to carry a camera so peculiar for me, i brought it with me and shown office members my loot. its just too cool with a full function camera aside u.its my first giga eye, by the aid of my grand Dad, my God, with my first camera, a Fiji Finepix s2000HD, i will see more and shot more, for its my another sight, my another site. i can't not keep it updating. from now on, u will see more of my life and eco, while i see more feast of Holy.View AlbumGet your own------------------benzyrnill, set to fly- do it, make 570503557dabbog@gmail.com盲言之芒岩你在清贫中呆得太久了你分不清月色的石子和清癯的星眸子的星芒浮于薄霭厌倦的兽眼阴雨里低低沉吼
