last night slept later in high mood. a bit restless on bed&fell into sleep lately. this morning woke up after 9:30am. dreamed of my wedding ceremony, but i seemingly not happy like should be, also don't familiar with my wife&peek her privately. dreamed Chinese force squad, ie. army&police, practised (cyberspace) dealing hajack in a large office tower, likely CCTV, herds of police equipped with pistols or guns, but just wait&track the man kidnapped a someone, in the countless rooms&corridors&stairs. its likely also an electronic war, for in the dream i strongly dispised the vomitting defensive attitude on Internet China sinful authority nowadays adopted. in office published recent photos with a blog entry expressing. greet my girl zhou, who walked alone under my office to assure me our saint private connection exists anytime&everytime, against in yesterday's rush time evil arranged trifle persons' attempting to mess up. busy with refined my forum, one of my google app engines, at, in the afternoon, fine tuned page's template, correct google friend connect due to url remapping. the department gathered for lunch out, let me alone in office. the facing dog second day in serial lingered in office&darting poisons even in his vacation. it snows all day&covered ground thick. roamed outside the dorms area after 7pm, picked the crowd in the local church, where hosting a singing&dancing party for Jesus, almost wept with a song when review my love&missing for God&my girls, esp. girl zhou, who is praying for our fruit of love so sincerely. reviewed my love for baby son, God of Universe, and my girl zhou, my heart harden with blesses that our deep harmony in our coming marriage seeds more.
