11/1/2010promising day, with delayed gospel.^last night went to sleep lately, again tried googling my web id via my cellphon's wap. this morning woke up just after 7am, with an inner open eyes for gathering with my girl zhou. washed head after got up. it would be another great day, with brilliant sunshine. went to office after 7:30am, check e-bible for last night preach i heard. roamed in office, waiting corporate lan, with which the department dirctor said had applied&in process, wired. greet my girl, who today wears a grey fur-alike coat, and likely in low mood when she returned to QRRS, covers her head with the cap on the coat. the dogs in office closely peeked me, twice when i salute my girl zhou passing by my office. i later doubting sweat or bitter our love is lasting today. God lets me not to suffer but enjoy the delayed deep hog&breath into each other between my girl zhou&me. evil of gays in the offices&around unfold themselves in front of me, God lets me informed. returned to dorm after 3pm, dozed at once on bed for half of an hour. dined earlier to greet my girl zhou. but she with her colleague evaded me tentatively. after i followed her again, she stopped in the display panels of the QRRS labor union, likely waiting me to chat her. i stood firm, then my girl zhou sheered backward to QRRS, i pray for God, then moved ahead continuingly without companion. my girl zhou picked the other side of the road my first time followed her, we likely both knew we cared each other on the different side of one road leading to the suburb of Qiqihar. in dorm reviewed my love, praying for less pains. then join the nearby Christian church, but on week day they don't preach, but just God believers' praying there. but i met the clerk last night preached, chatted with him&another woman cadre about my faith. returned to dorm review my love with my girl zhou, talk with her in heart. roamed outside again in aim to seek my cared lover. admired restaurant lingers on the way, so join one to dine again for warmth of gathering&dinner those group seekers shown, esp common among QRRSers. God, i never lose confidence that u r leading my girl zhou, who is just rightly tender&attending, as much virtue as i admire, to my arms. i never lose confidence that my girl trusts me and loves me. i hope we soon forged into one, one family with one soul like the bible grants.
