last night slept in time around 9:20pm, after prepared a blog entry enhenced by Holy message 3 times. woke up before 6am&got up before 7am, went to office at once. posted the blog entry first, then read within my greader. Its again a bright day. read after posted daily tweet. my girl zhou don't appear in QRRS noon break. the department summoned to collect fund for charity, i submit 40rmb but don't attend the meeting. the facing dog also mimic me, stayed in office to espionage me&shit around. when i again spit to the floor, the gay barked upon me. i retorted for the sake of my family, as God lets. soon the monitor returned&mopped the floor. also at noon fine tuned baby's blog&wiki, ie. url remapping, sidebar, etc. China surveillance since then blocked my gtalk&google reader. the department director also visit the office&watched my operation on baby's google blog custom domain redirection. returned to dorm, went to receive my girl zhou in front of QRRS HQ directly after dinner after 4pm. there r 3 men playing kites there. my girl didn't appear all time. 2 girls look like her&i tried to follow, but i felt more likely my girl evading me this moment. returned dorm right 6pm, and when i launched logging today, the nearby senior middle school break for dinner. God promised me its an auspicious day. roamed out at 6:30pm, found several QRRSers returning to its HQ, so likely some departments, including my girl zhou's, overclocked in this lunar year end for audit or other financial reason.
