Its a brilliant day. post blog wrote yesterday in office in a breeze, with all photos from our treat in KFC Tiedong franchise. in dorm review my love with girl Masheng, zhou, the Taiwan girl. dined near QRRS' over time then roamed alone its main road, met girl Zhou just under my office, follow her and her pals till she departed all&enter the lane she likely residents. praying God not a too embarrassing nor zigzag course before we got wired under a same roof. God, i totally under her charm, and got me her arms around me the sooner the better. watched Yangge collective dance after dinner on the square of QRRS, its beauty grasped me at once. female's tendering touch me in any vein or visional method when i was stopped. woke up early, about 5am, dreamed in a camp with a mother, likely girl Zhou, with her daughter. i was with my baby son. we tried to correct our babies.
