in office read feeds. then claimed family namespace with free first level domain in .tk. sorted bookmarks&portable. met my girl once, but for busy with the domain felt at a loss more or less when saluting my girl after passions last night. after dinner met my girl again near the front door of QRRS. trifle persons still puffing sands amid us, but i see clear my girl with me like a bud, a slim&tall bud with dews from Heaven on it, leaving me in our vested valley alone pursue her wind, color, dance, and perfume. God, i forever cherish my girl zhou's lean soul&cordiality in the life we bound since love dents our hearts. dogs in the dorm i now linger brought thick dirts, and foully smessy, but God see my girls' intact, in my title. arranged tomorrow's treat with baby&his mom. roamed again around, God let me arrange my new life after married my girl zhou, i definitely longing the strong sunshine in my hometown. and i missing my kid brother, who still fighting a rootless living in southern China with his family, very much. i would buy he&his family a new house in the county, Wuxue, or help he settle down in the city with a business, according his long time wish. i would like buy a new house in the small county city with my own family, too, enjoy the sunshine and clear seaons with plenty rains&thunderstorms. i also need refurnish house of my passed dad, God, Founder of new Empire of China, in the blessed mountain village, Zhudajiu.
