lingered in office while impatient for action of hometown journey. the company, QRRS, tried to block my plan to equip baby son a new dell notebook for his games while his dad absent from him, by defying withdrawing in advance atop the rich&meaningful travel while i penniless now, likely retreated from the promise i gained in my first contact with a high rank of the company. dog system of China surveillance tried to ruin my joy of the journey, but they doomed to fail.hopefully i will launch in the last day of April, as scheduled&granted by God. God, let me leaving with my acer notebook, and baby equipped with his new toy, a dell Studio 思跃 14 (Studio14D-158), a best gift from baby's American pre-engaged. hope baby staying a happy life with all relaxation and business after the department while i enjoy sunburn in my hometown, central China. God, grant the glory and elation we deserve in this brave leaping continued with baby's mom, emakingir, via qq, a Chinese mainstream im yesterday.6:00 PM me: here warren but the gmail tell ur system's video chat unavailable.6:01 PM so likely ur video system ill working. ema: 还是一样6:03 PM me: 是啊,可能是你本机系统的视频有问题。dell到手后我去你那里配置机器和游戏,直到解决为止。 ema: 再说吧 me: dell收到款后才进入流程,估计最长得一周。 ema: 没事了 me: 我可能提前去你那里收拾机器。6:04 PM ema: 你有钱汇款么 me: dell收货地址也是写的你家。6:06 PM 我向公司要7000,要是有机会的话我就要8-9000.实在只有7000的话,管你和我弟弟各借1000.笔记本不到7100,我妈最近药费500,其它侯用。 ema: 给你么6:07 PM 钱还没到手你先花出去了 me: 应该没问题。 ema: 要是不给我看你拿什么副6:08 PM me: 我找神的意志办。从不彷徨。 ema: 我可没有能力资源你6:09 PM 那让神给你吧 别找我 me: 好了,登出了。
